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♥ Happy birthday to me!

It's amazing how time passes so fast... I'm 22! It seemed like only yesterday that I was 18.

Key and Jonghyun sent their love over from Korea. Thank you so much!! When Lissya sent me this picture over Kakao, I literally shrieked!! Thankfully I was at home, so I could do that all I want. Anyway the boys looked so good here!!

I was actually really dreading this day and I didn't know why. I probably think that I'm really getting too old. So, like what I wished, my birthday passed by quietly. Thank you for the celebrations last weekend, this weekend, and also in the upcoming week. (: (: There was no hype about it, and this was no doubt the most peaceful birthday I've ever had, but it didn't lack in terms of the love and concern I get.

This year, I've changed. Because of Korea. And I'm glad that I've went there. I remember saying Korea felt like a second home, and there was no special excited feeling associated with it, because I've merely seen another place that I had lived in. But if there was one thing I have brought back from Korea, it is about being yourself and not letting others' opinions bother you. I realise that beneath all those pretty faces and possibly plastic surgery, there is one thing that most Koreans possess - confidence. I used to think that the baggy shirts look awful, but on them, it looks good. I used to hate K-POP, but now I've learnt to appreciate their music. It's all about how you bring the good out of it.

I'm not telling everyone to be self-centred, but I'm hoping everyone learns to be more confident. Contrary to many's belief, I am so insecure and not confident. I had an elective class, and the lecturer said the one who looks most perfect and normal, often tends to be the one struggling with her inner self. Being self-conscious is tiring. I often had to wonder what people think if I wore this, or whether it's weird to be wearing a maxi to school, or whether this hairpin is too huge, whether that lipstick is too red, whether my skirt is too bright. Truth be told, there is probably no one who remembers details like this, but I make a huge fuss anyway.

I think I'm improving... I hope I'm improving. And I wish to continue to improve, and be a better person in the upcoming year. (: